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Smart Curtain

BLEND Curtain Controller PRO LS240
تعمل مع المحطة الذكية، ثلاثة أزرار تشغيل/إيقاف مؤقت/إيقاف للتحكم في الستارة. مطلوب سلك كهربائي .
337.46 SR 337.46 SAR
DC Tubular Motor (V2)
Work with Smart Station, AC 110V-240V, integrate roller blinds into LifeSmart system, scheduled task, accurate control by percentage, Ultra-quiet 35mm DC Tubular Motor, wide voltage, large
torque, farewell to heating, experience upgrade. φ36.4x540.5mm
776.20 SR 776.2 SAR
Quicklink Curtain Motor Suit
Work with Smart Station, scheduled task, including motor, 5.2 meter adjustable curtain track and a remote control, 40kg load
805.00 SR 805.0 SAR